Builder Simulator Full Game Review

Builder Simulator is the perfect game for those who want to build a house, from the ground up, one brick at a time. On easy, the game will guide and teach you by showing you full instruction, but on hard you will get no help – instead rely on your builder skills and make everything yourself.

A major plus I noticed and want to point out right away – this game isn’t an eternal indie-early-access title – its fully released, and comes with a demo. Thats fantastic, and its very refreshing to see that.

The game is pretty good. There’s a fair amount to it, and the tutorial teaches you everything you’d need to know and do pretty well, and quickly enough. The robot that seems to accompany you throughout the game (doing little intros to contracts and whatnot) is a little over-enthusiastic for my taste, but thats just me, and no fault of the game (besides, there’s the voice volume option for a reason).

The game lets you design and build houses really however you like, and even lets you furnish them. From my initial experience, and looking through it a little bit, it seems to be decently close to House-Flipper levels of furnishing, which is great!

Everything that the game has is done well, and it all seems pretty polished and finished.
There are a few instances of things that I feel the game would benefit from having as optional – such as the as the automatic foaming when installing doors and windows – but at current, it lets the game have a more casual of a feel to it.

Now, there is one big thing that I, personally, feel is missing. This may or may not be planned for the future, and someone may correct me for this, but I’d like to say it.

At current, there is no real “campaign” mode. The game has what you could call a campaign, but I’d personally label it as challenges. They’re contract levels that you complete, and each one seems disconnected from the previous – money that you spent or supplies you bought doesn’t matter, as it seems each contract has its own starting set of cash, and no carried over materials or anything.
Personally, I would like to see a mode where things carry over, and money matters. Like, having a place where you return to, and can take certain jobs, like “[company/person] needs [level of construction] done, pays [however much]” and lets you earn money that you can use to spend on contracts or jobs later on, or even on your own projects, that you could then sell or use or whatever.

There’s some things I’d also love to see in the game, and, again, these may or may not be planned, and someone can correct me for this.

But, I feel like the game could benefit from having the ability to do electrical, and plumbing work. And while I’m unsure if these are really the jobs of construction workers, I would love to be able to do these things in game, being able to plan where outlets would go, plan where water connections would be, do all the wiring and plumbing before putting up insulation and drywall, etc etc.

Also I didn’t know where to put this, but I wanted to mention – the mouse sensitivity could use a little work. Even at 100, looking around feels a bit sluggish with 1800 DPI. Its not awful, and you can get used to it, but I wanted to point that out.

This has probably been a bit ramble-y, but I hope it comes across well. Overall, games good, and I’d def say its worth your time if you’re looking for this sort of thing. I’d say a solid 9/10.

There’s tons of simulator games out there. As a consumer I want to know what the difference is between each one and if this is more than just a quirky “cash grab”. Luckily, Builder Simulator seems to be a pretty decent game. I’d definitely love more campaign type of stages; As of right now there are about 10 contract missions having you build various parts of houses.

The tutorial is very lengthy but teaches you well and there’s even a quirky little mascot they have walking you through everything called Bill Durr (get it?). You learn everything from creating foundations, cement mixing, planning on blueprints, furnishing, and even advanced tips like creating multiple floors.

What makes Builder Simulator stand out in my mind here is how creative they actually let you be with your plots. There’s a bunch of other build/construction sim games I’ve played that just have you mindlessly filling in outlines to make their creations, but here you literally plan out each wall, door orientation, size of window, pathing on the outside, etc. You change up all the carpets and ceiling designs and furnish the house yourself with very loose placement restrictions. They even let you import images so you can frame them up on your walls.

It’s not the most in-depth game in the world and I think they were going for simplistic but lots of freedom. At the moment there’s only the aforementioned 10 contract missions, sandbox mode, housing furnish mode, and planning mode. It’s a good buy, but just know at the moment after you build 2-3 houses there’s not much else to do here. So here’s hoping they add in a lot more content so I can completely recommend it later on.

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